Height : 164cm
Date of birth : 29 July 1994
Shoe size : 42
Clothing size: M-L, 38-42
Hip : 106 cm
Waist: 79 cm
Bust: 94 cm
Color Eyes : Dark brown to black
Color Hair : Dyed blonde
Origin : Thai
|Commercial | Fashion | Editorial | Runway

I'm from Thailand and I actually have 75% Chinese blood. However, I can't speak Chinese at all. I graduated Bachelor's degree from Mahidol University in Music Business. Believe it or not, my major insrtument was Classical Piano. I was a part-time piano teacher back in Thailand, also worked in 9-5 job. I love sports and adventure, as much as I love being a model. My dream when I was a kid was being an actress. I never thought that I would be able to become a model, as I was told that I was not beautiful in my whole young life. I'm very proud of myself in my ambitions and efforts to become a model!

Photos by Anya / StudioMova / February 2024